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Establishing Plug Nord - a collaboration for faster electrification of ports in the north

This week, Lofotkraft Muligheter AS, Nordkraft Prosjekt AS, Andøy Energi Holding AS, Trollfjord AS and Plug AS signed an agreement to collaborate on shore power, charging and other environmentally friendly energy solutions for ports in northern Norway through a joint company, Plug Nord.

Regional cooperation

-Our goal is to help accelerate the development of shore power in ports in northern Norway, the new partners state. Several of the larger ports in the area are already planning for and/pr have built shore-side power. - We know the local conditions and want to be a partner that can help solve the challenges that the ports face as electrification accelerates, says Barry Larsen, CEO of Trollfjord AS and one of the regional players.

Value creation and competence building along the coast

Plug is based in Bergen, and already has extensive experience with the development and operation of shore power in several ports in Norway. Plug will contribute both knowledge and capital in the new collaboration. -I strongly believe in combining local knowledge, relation and expertise with Plugs experience in designing, building, owning and operating infrastructure for shore power and charging power, says general manager of Plug, Maria Bos.

The four companies from Lofoten, Vesterålen and Hålogaland that have been involved in the collaboration from the start, will establish a joint owner company. The new regional company will own 50 % in Plug Nord. – We will both contribute in the green shift and with local value creation, says Arnt M. Winther, CEO of the Lofotkraft Group.

- As the most important seafood region in Norway, it is quite natural that we take the lead and contribute to green energy transition within the maritime industry, says Kjell-Are Johansen, CEO. in Andøy Energi Holding

Important climate measures

Transport accounts for 33 % of greenhouse gas emissions in Norway, and traffic at sea is no exception. Shipping will have to cut emissions and move to zero emission solutions if Norway is to achieve the goal of a 55% reduction in emissions by 2030. Access to shore power and charging facilities in the ports will be important going forward. The investments are large, the projects are complex and there are many new issues to consider when establishing this type of infrastructure.

-We see that we have a lot to add to each other, and we will build on this to accelerate the transition to zero emission that we know will have to happen, says Jon Ingebrigtsen, project director in Nordkraft Prosjekt.

For more information, please contact:

Arnt M. Winther, CEO Lofotkraft Holding. Mob 911 50 537

Ida Texmo Prytz, managing director, HLK Nett. Mob 415 59 406,

Kjell-Are Johansen, CEO, Andøy Energi. Mob 992 36 700,

Barry Larsen, CEO, Trollfjord. Mob 901 73 831,

Maria Bos, CEO. Mob 975 78 136,

About Lofotkraft

About Nordkraft

About Andøy Energi

About Trollfjord

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