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Welcome to Harstad


Plug Harstad has taken over the responsibility for the shore power facilities at Stangnes. In addition a new shore power facility for expedition vessels is being constructed at Larsneset.

Plug Harstad AS is joint venture between Port of Harstad and Plug Nord AS.

For any inquiries regarding shore power in Harstad, please contact our operations team.
Contact operations


If support is needed in the connection process, these services will be invoiced at actual cost plus a 15 per cent service fee.

Low Voltage

3,00 NOK/kWh
excl. VAT
for low voltage delivered at Stangnes.
Terms and procedures

How to do it

All bookings are made to the port

Shore Power in 1—2—3!


Contact the port

You will be sent to the website for the port for booking of shore power.
Contact the port


Connect to power

Connect to a supply pit to start using shore power


Register for insight

Register a user in the Plug application to gain insight in your port call use
Read more

Low voltage

Stangnes 1
Stangnes 2
Stangnes 3

Total capacity

Low voltage 2,7 MVA (3 supply pits)

Terms and procedures

Contact persons

Plug Operations

Plug's operations team